Finalization of Project Result 4: “Pedagogical quest-based web app to gamify circular economy scenarios”
The Re-Peer project finishes with the fourth and last project result, the Pedagogical Quest-Based Web App, which includes an interactive quiz based on scenarios about the circular economy aimed at the adult public and any entity, company or person who is interested in the topic. This quiz will be available soon, both for Android and IOS systems, and is developed in all the languages of the membership (English, Swedish, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Italian, Finnish and Spanish).

Moreover, Partners met in beautiful Sofia, Bulgaria, for a “Blended Mobility for Adult Learners” (LTTA – Learning, Teaching and Training Activities) during the 7th till the 10th of November where a lot of activities were implemented, such as testing the Re-Peer Online Course, the Climate Fresk game (a cards game related to Climate Changing), or testing the Re-Peer Web App that is available on the Project’s Website, among others.
Finally, during the last phase of the project, partners have organized a set of Multiplier Events in each partner country, to present the project’s outcomes, resources, benefits and opportunities of the project. During these events, representing stakeholder organizations and target audiences attended the event called “The WEEE-nners of #FridayforFuture”. A number of organizations had the opportunity to participate in this event, including universities, environmental NGOs, recycling organizations, local government agencies and natural area managers, as well as adult trainers and learners interested in the topic of the project.
If you want to know more about the project Re-Peer has to offer, check out the results available in all partners languages on:
So, stay tuned for more news and do not forget to follow RE-PEER’s news on the project website and official on social media pages! Thank you!
2 years (02.01.2022 to 01.01.2024)

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000026264